Getting real soon
So, what are your plans with this one? I mean, we are about to finish the recording process, then there’s the mixing and mastering… it’s about to get real. You need to start think of a marketing strategy, how to have people listen to you and your music.
I know… I want to say that I’ve been working on it for some time now and I’m almost done and ready, but to be honest I didn’t really do a lot yet.
You must be more prepared than this; it’s nice to have your music ready and then just release It and hope that people will find it and listen to it, but it never happens like that.
Of course, I’m not disconnected fully from the industry, I’m an “emerging artist” but I do know and aware of how things work, especially in a global market, and even more when you and me both know that I’m coming from a small country and the likelihood of getting something from here being heard globally, is quite minor.
I know I am going to be this type of artist that my music and fan-base will gradually grow, but not from the very beginning, it’s going to take time, and effort, and basically being good at what I do and show the world. It’s not about the music alone, but nothing matters if the music is not amazing.
Well, I can tell you this, and I’m not biased for being the producer, once you keep hearing this music over and over it’s quite impassable to forget it. I go home sometimes, not working on your music and I have the music of yours playing in my head, in a good way of course. But it’s not really a plan to just release the music and hope something will happen.
Of course not, I have tons of ideas and even some budget for it. I’m not going to let it out, look to the skies and hope everything will go well. I just know that there is a big difference between doing something like that in relativity moderate scale – per my capabilities – to being promoted by a record company or an agency, that does that as their main objective. I’m just being realistic.
We worked so hard on this album, and I think it is really good, I hate to see it go without noticing by someone.
That’s what I’m afraid the most as well. That the main reason for an artist to record and release his music it not for him to feel good about it, or to make money, or fame or any other material goal… it’s to have him being heard by people, to make a difference in their life, to have your song connect to some point of their lives – a breakup, a good day, a new love, just a random period of life that my song will be theirs just in the right moment to last forever in their mind.
So, you do need a good marketing plan in any case.
Yep, it’s getting real soon, and I’m not really prepared.