Everything I am not

Hey!! I have a deadline, or to be a bit more precise, I have an idea for a release date.

I know where this is headed, you need the songs.

It wouldn’t be the same without them.

I know I’m a bit delayed, but I’m telling you, it’s all because I get more great ideas regarding the songs with every passing day. Usually, I would be the one telling you to make the song a bit slimmer, and that we don’t have to put every instrument in the mixing to make it fuller, but in this case, it’s on me.

Sounds great, but that’s it, we’ve been delaying it for too long; there was the beginning, and then you went offline a bit, and then Covid came, and what now. But you see, I do believe that these setbacks only make it a better project, but this is the time! January the first song will be released, I need everything reedy a month or so before of course.

Don’t worry, you’ll have it on time, and it will be awesome.

So, what’s the first song that you are going to release?

Oh, I got a great one; I’ve been thinking about it for three months, I think. It got great vibes, it’s a happy song, relatively short compared to the other songs on the albums, and generally it is everything I am not – it’s ‘everyone’.

I like your description – “everything I am not!”, if you hadn’t already had a name for the album, I think that should be the one.

Now that you’re mentioning it, it would be a great name. maybe I’ll take it for the 2nd one.

Oh-oh, already talking about the 2nd album, and the 1st one not even out yet… true artist.

I got so many new materials that one day I need to release, they should get their time. But for now, I’m all occupied with this one. I got the album cover ready, I got the singles covers in the making, I got a new logo that will fit the style and I’m even working on building a website for the project.

You’ve been busy.

Well, the album recording happened some time ago and I’m still waiting for the songs…

Fair enough; but just remember who supported you all the way, from the beginning. Don’t forget to mention me on that website of yours, not only as the producer, also as a spiritual support.

I’d mention you; don’t you worry about it!

And who knows, maybe I would write a blog one day, and publish it on the site. Tell everything that happened during this past year or so… who knows.

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